Category: bree’s critique

And now for the business report…

I think one of the more overlooked sources of “art in life” are political cartoons. Not all qualify, of course, but I’m often struck by the amazingly realistic illustration and compact witticisms of political cartoons, the social commentator’s art. Plus, it is always equal-opportunity skewering of donkeys and elephants and everyone in between.

This one is by Joe Heller – makes you want to laugh and despair at the same time.

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Rugby and real moments

Last Monday I attended a screening of “Forever Strong” – a film about a high school rugby player who finds himself and discovers the meaning of loyalty and honor after a DUI conviction. Based on a true story, the movie follows the transformation of Rick Penning (played by Sean Faris, a great actor and fun to look at for the ladies) under the tutelage of Larry Gelwix (nicely played by actor Gary Cole), coach of the championship Highland Rugby team.

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The movie opens across the nation this Friday, September 26th, and I definitely recommend going to see it. I’m not the kind to give plot secrets away, but I will say that I walked out of the theater on a high, having thoroughly enjoyed the film and wishing that I knew how to do the Haka-type chant from the movie. (Talk about a great way to get pumped up before hitting the gym or meeting with a difficult client!!!)

The ART in this movie: great humor/writing in the script; believable performances (mostly) by talented actors; rockin’ soundtrack and score.

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The not-so-much art: opening sequence is too slow for the accompanying song; Arielle Kebbel (Emily) and Penn Badgely (Lars) leave something to be desired in their acting/roles.

Fortunately, the weak spots in Forever Strong do not diminish the impact of the movie and its message. It is a great, “feel good” movie that Hollywood needs to have more of. It won’t win any friends in the snobby Oscar community or jaded critics who want more edginess and less morality, but who cares? We aren’t asking for their opinion. Being inspired and coming out of the theater on a high should be proof enough, right? Check out Forever Strong on September 26th.


[Disclaimer: I have not been paid to endorse any product, website, event, film, music or any other stuff that I review on this blog. I’m not related to anyone, have not exchanged business cards with, do not get my hair cut by or attend yoga classes with the people involved in the sale or promotion of the things I write about. Like the movie above. But I’d tell you if I did.]

The Nest is empty, but great images were hatched

(Great wide-angle image of “The Bird’s Nest” here)

Let’s talk about artistry in photographs created during the recent Olympics in Beijing. Many people (and understandably so) would say that the performance of an Olympic sport is art, or that the physical form of an Olympic athlete is art: look no further than super-swimmer Michael Phelps for evidence of this. It would then be enough to say that you took a picture of either of these subjects and voila! Photographic art!

But good artistry in sports shooting will transcend the event and the athlete, and the photographer will create an image that is more than a fleeting, “here’s what happened in the second quarter with 3:47 to go” representation. (Don’t get me wrong… these types of images have an important place, especially in the news and editorial worlds, but my quest is for the fine art element.) Even though the competitions are over, the sweat has dried, and the Nest is empty, here are a few of my favorite images from the Olympics with the art to last… (all of them from swimming events… I mean, how cool are water shots??!

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